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Since their initial registration with IMRO (now the FSA) PIL has steadily consolidated its position as one of the UK's leading companies in establishing and operating property Collective Investment Schemes (CISs).

More and more of their investors now include private equity investors, either directly or through their SIPPs and SSASs. PIL has also launched some of the largest limited partnerships in the UK, including the Lend Lease Retail Partnership which was responsible for Bluewater.

Their Board contains a wealth of talent that spans the various services required to launch and operate CISs. These cover establishing (pre-launch) and, operating (post-launch) activities.

Their ability to administer the post launch phase of our operation enables us to concentrate in what we are good at - obtaining planning consent.

Once the fund is established, PIL provide the continuing administration to monitor the conduct of the business in the investors’ interests. As operator, they also take on full responsibility for compliance with all FSMA matters and FSA regulations.

These regulations exist to protect investors’ interests; they do not affect the strategic management of the underlying assets. This responsibility rests with the asset managers.

Post-launch roles and responsibilities

In particular, they deal with:

  • Administration of the business (as distinct from management of the business). For example, carrying out or overseeing the accounting function
  • Maintaining the fund’s registers
  • Liaising with investors and reporting to them

Partnership Incorporations Ltd
Suite 101A
3 Whitehall Court
London SW1A 2EL


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